Trusting Your Gut -The Entertainer’s Guide to Choosing the Right Projects

success mindset for entertainers
Trusting Your Gut -The Entertainer's Guide to Choosing the Right Projects 3

This is when you’re just starting on your journey becoming a working actor, you hear the importance of building your resume but have no clue where to begin. You know that opportunities are out there, and you have to work towards your dreams with any project that will give you the chance to perform on their production.

However, you must remember, not every opportunity is going to be as wonderful as it may seem. As a freelance entertainer (especially in the beginning), you have to learn an important skill that will help you in more ways than one. You’ve heard of “trusting your gut”, but a lot of us ignore it in pursuit of our dreams of being a star! My friend, please believe me when I say that trusting your gut can be a game-changer and/or lifesaver when it comes to accepting or declining projects. Your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

Broken Promises

The BLVD of broken dreams… In the entertainment industry, promises can be made with good intentions, but unfortunately will fall short of reality for a lot of performers.

You might encounter potential clients who promise you exposure, a life-changing payday, or “an opportunity of a lifetime”. I know firsthand that these offers can look tempting – especially when you need money and want those credits for your resume. But I want to emphasize how important it is for you to approach every opportunity you come across with a critical eye.

Get Feeling & Intuition

Your Gut feeling is extremely powerful. But you must start trusting it and leaning in towards your intuition, especially when it comes to opportunities that seem too good to be true. If you have any doubts, bad feelings, or see any red flags about a project or client, PLEASE LISTEN TO YOUR INSTINCTS!

Based on my past experiences, here are some RED FLAGS you can be aware of as you move forward in your acting career:

  • * Unclear Details: If a project’s details are vague or constantly changing, it might be a red flag. Good communication and clarity is key!
  • * Unrealistic Promises: Be wary of promises that seem too good to be true. If something sounds too perfect, it might be. I remember getting a check for a modeling gig. I got a bad feeling and took it to a banker to ask questions. Sure enough, it was a SCAM!
  • * Lack of Professionalism: If a client is disorganized, unprofessional, or unresponsive, it could signal trouble ahead. Period.
  • * Unusual Requests: there could come requests that make you feel uncomfortable or don’t make sense. If this is the case, please listen to your gut and say NO! You don’t need any project where you feel uncomfortable in any way, I promise you that better things are coming your way!

Don’t Ignore Your Gut

Ignoring your gut can lead to a lot of problems for you, my friend. As someone who has been in the industry for a long time, watches crime shows (if you don’t I highly recommend you do so you can see with your own eyes how evil lurks all around you), and has had some weird things happen in my career, I just want you to be safe as you head into your journey.

When you ignore your gut and the red flags that are flying around certain projects that come your way, you face the following consequences:

  • Wasted Time and Effort: Working with a problematic client can lead to wasted time and effort.
  • Financial Risks: Projects that seem promising might come with hidden costs or payment issues. Ensure contracts are clear and payments are secured before starting any work. (Remember the modeling check I was talking about?)
  • Reputation Damage: Associating with disreputable clients or projects can actually harm your reputation as a performer. A bad experience can be more than just a missed opportunity; it can impact how others perceive you in the industry. This is something you do not want.
  • Getting Hurt: Physically and mentally, you can be hurt when you pursue an opportunity where the creators have ill intentions from the very start. (See examples of star struck talent who wanted to be a Hollywood star so badly, that they fell into the trap of serial killers.)

Be Safe Bright Star, Always

  1. Do Your Research: Vet potential clients and projects thoroughly. Look for reviews, ask for references, and assess their track record.
  2. Set Clear Boundaries: Establish clear terms and agreements before starting any project. Having a written contract helps protect your interests and clarifies expectations. (This one can be really hard to do, but it is extremely important.)
  3. Trust Your Instincts: If something doesn’t feel right, it’s okay to walk away. Your intuition is a valuable tool in navigating the complexities of freelancing.
  4. Seek Advice: Don’t hesitate to consult with peers or mentors if you’re unsure about a project. Sometimes an outside perspective can provide valuable insights. (I always ask if I don’t know the answer or if something looks strange.)

Protect yourself and your career. The right opportunities will come, but there will be shady opportunities along the way too. And although it might be tempting to say YES to every opportunity, I urge you to slow down and think before you ACT! Your life, career and inner peace will thank you for it. I don’t mean to scare you as you chase your dreams, I just want you to be safe. You are important and you have a destiny to fulfil. Just be sure to trust your instincts every step of the way!

“‎Trust your hunches. They’re usually based on facts filed
away just below the conscious level.”  -Dr. Joyce Brothers

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Trusting Your Gut -The Entertainer's Guide to Choosing the Right Projects 4

If you’re craving more and want to level up your acting mentality to confidentially pursue your passions for acting, be sure to subscribe to the Shannon The Slayer Podcast  You can find it on SpotifyApple, or YouTube! I can’t wait to see you there!

Get ready for some BIG news coming soon actors! I have something I can’t wait to share with you and know that it is going to be a game changer when it comes to chasing your acting dreams!

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